About Us

We are the official authorized distributors for BrainWare Learning (Chicago, USA), Human Performance Group (Florida, USA), Alchemy Technology (Taipei, Taiwan), DC International (Bali, Indonesia), and  FT&S (Mumbai, India)
My Brain Training Solutions Part., Ltd. and Brain Training Solusion Co., Ltd. are committed to the innovative research and development of the brainwave industry. We provide services and resources that advance the integration of neuroscience research into education and learning. Through the practical application of neuroscience to learning and teaching, our innovative brain training programs assist our clients in addressing their demands for brain fitness and enhancing their cognitive ability. We focus on foundational cognitive skills, executive functions, and the keys to literacy, which enhance performance in school, the workplace, and life. We envision a world where every child and every adult has the ability to succeed academically and in life because they have developed the cognitive capacity to do so.

By developing and enhancing the cognitive skills that serve as the basis for learning, we assist every individual we work with in becoming the best possible learner. Everyone has cognitive strengths and weaknesses, but intelligence does not exist by itself. Most people are unaware that their learning capacity can be greatly enhanced. In a world where change is constant, learning and adapting are critical, which require a strong foundation of cognitive skills. Our children will need to be good problem solvers and thinkers, with cognitive flexibility and strong powers of observation and analysis. They will need to be effective learners. We hope to play a big part in this process by making, finding, offering, and supporting the best programs that work on brain fitness, developing cognitive skills, and using neuroscience in the learning and teaching process.

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