Brain-Savvy Learning Breakthrough : Coaching and Supporting Package


The 1 year of one-on-one coaching and support package includes complete learning breakthrough program™

Product Descriptions :

We are happy to make support and coaching available worldwide using Zoom meet app., phone and email communication with a certified Program Support Provider. The Providers have first hand experience using and/or administering the training. Below are details of the service they provide. The benefits include receiving an initial and periodic assessment evaluations throughout a full 1 year period. The Provider will get you off on the right foot using the program and be available on call for assistance most anytime you would like to connect. There are regular re-assessments which can show change that might have been very gradual. All that they do is with the intention to increase motivation for proper use.

There are only 2 things needed to getting the most benefit from this type of brain training:

  • Do the training everyday
  • Perform the movements as precisely as possible.

Your support coach will help you, your child or patient be successful. As with other self administered therapies, getting one on one support and help dramatically increases compliance and success. This is true for weight loss and smoking cessation therapies as well. You will have a dedicated support provider at your disposal who will help personalize the Learning Breakthrough experience for ultimate success and benefit.

Additional Information :

What’s included in the 1 year of one-on-one coaching and support package :

  • Initial evaluation/assessment of current situation and usage training (1 1/2 to 2 hours)
  • Phone call/Zoom Meeting app. visit during week 1 and 2
  • 6 week re-evaluation/assessment (compare to initial evaluation- 1 1/2 hours via Zoom meeting app./phone)
  • 3 month re-evaluation
  • 6 month re-evaluation
  • 9 month re-evaluation
  • 12 month follow-up/assessment
  • Coaching support also includes on call assistance via email, Zoom meeting app. or phone with your support provider

Product Features :

Weight:             20 lbs
Dimensions:      25 × 17 × 5 in

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