Brain-Savvy Brainwave Evaluation System


Brain-Savvy Brainwave Evaluation System : Easy-to-use brainwave interpretation system and complete record of brainwave data. (Remark: Contact us to place the order)

Product Descriptions : 

Brain-Savvy brainwave evaluation system uses the brainwave chip of American Shennian Technology, which can accurately analyze the degree of your concentration and relaxation, and immediately browse the line graph and data report. 

Brain-Savvy brainwave evaluation system allows you to quickly see the degree and change of your concentration and relaxation within a period of time. Brain-Savvy brainwave evaluation system can output eight brainwave frequency bands and 512 original brainwave signals per second in real time; it can provide you with data analysis and algorithm development.

Product Features:

  • Use MindWaveMobile as a signal acquisition tool
  • Can produce: e-sense / brainwave frequency bands after 8 FFTs / original brainwaves
  • An evaluation report that can produce concentration and relaxation (the cognitive load function needs to be priced separately)
  • It has the function of displaying the e-sense line chart in real time
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